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7 inch boot knife 202801
Our automatic knives and switchblades are great to add to any knife collection. They can be sold at flea markets, gun and knife shows, store fronts, and swap meets.
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AB 8" Armando Beltrame Coltellerie Stiletto Automatic Knife Red Bayo. A real Italian switchblade knife with a safety swi…
AB 9 inch Armando Beltrame Coltellerie Stiletto Automatic Knife Dagger Dark Horn. A real Italian switchblade knife with …
AGA 15" Campolin Stiletto Ring Release Automatic Knife Bayo Stag. Here's the "little" brother of the giant stilettos. T…
AB 9 Inch Armando Beltrame Coltellerie Buffalo Horn Kriss Stiletto Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 23cm - 9" Blade Leng…
9" A/B - Armando Beltrame Coltellerie Stiletto Buffalo Horn Flat Grind Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 23cm - 9" Blade …
Medteh Russian Lever Lock Automatic Knife Walnut Satin. Heres an item you don't see too often: a russian 21cm - 8" lever…
Medteh Russian Stiletto Walnut Satin Automatic Knife. 22cm - 8" stiletto. It is solid and very sharp. It has a double b…
Medteh Russian Lever Lock Double Bolster Walnut Satin Automatic Knife. Heres an item you don't see too often: 21cm - 8" …
Medteh Russian Lever Lock Double Bolster Light Wood Satin Automatic Knife. Heres an item you don't see too often: 21cm -…
Frank Beltrame 11 Inch Italian Stiletto Stag Horn Dagger Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 28cm -11" Blade Length: 12,5cm…
Hubertus Mini Stag Horn Lever Lock Automatic Knife. Total overall length 5.75" blade length of 2.25 inches.
Frank Beltrame 11" Italian Stiletto Imitation Pearl White Dagger Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 28cm -11" Blade Length…
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