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Frank Beltrame Stag Black Teflon Stiletto Automatic Knife Black Bayo
Our automatic knives and switchblades are great to add to any knife collection. They can be sold at flea markets, gun and knife shows, store fronts, and swap meets.
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SKM 13 Inch Italian Stiletto Stag Flat Grind Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 33cm -13" Blade Length: 15,25cm - 6" Blade…
SKM 13 inch Italian Stiletto Palisander Flat Grind Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 33cm -13" Blade Length: 15,25cm - 6"…
32.99 24.99
Theses knives are designed for combat. The blade comes with a Teflon coating in either clip point or tanto point and in …
SKM/AB 13" Italian Stiletto Automatic Knife Dark Horn Bayo. Overall Length: 33cm -13" Blade Length: 15,25cm - 6" Blade t…
.AKC 7.5" Leverletto Leverlock Automatic Knife Birchwood Black. Overall Length: 20cm - 7.5" Blade Length: 8,25cm - 3,25"…
AKC 7.5" Leverletto Lever Lock Automatic Knife Snake Skin Black. Overall Length: 20cm - 7.5" Blade Length: 8,25cm - 3,25…
AKC 7.5" Leverletto Lever Lock Automatic Knife Black. Overall Length: 20cm - 7.5" Blade Length: 8,25cm - 3,25" Blade thi…
Frank Beltrame 9" Italian Stiletto Brazilian Horn Bayo Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 23cm - 9" Blade Length: 10cm - 4…
SKM/AB 13" Italian Stiletto Imitation Pearl Flat Grind Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 33cm -13" Blade Length: 15,25cm …
SKM/AB 13 inch Italian Stiletto Mosaic Bayo Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 33cm -13" Blade Length: 15,25cm - 6" Blade…
SKM/AB 13" Italian Stiletto Mosiac Flat Grind Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 33cm -13" Blade Length: 15,25cm - 6" Bla…
SKM/AB 13 inch Italian Stiletto Imitation Coral Bayo Automatic Knife. Overall Length: 33cm -13" Blade Length: 15,25cm - …
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